Flying Kuvasz

All activities require a lot of good solid background training, and you must always remember to love the dog first and the sport second!

Below are examples of some ways to work with you dog.  

Image: CH Budagyöngye Mystic Jade At Rebel Ridge FDC DCAT TKI was the first Kuvasz to earn the DCAT title!


No matter what the size, dogs love the competition and exercise afforded by dog agility training and events. It is the perfect way to bond with pets and get your daily dose of exercise. Getting Started in Agility (AKC)


Barn Hunt is open to any dog of any breed or mix who wishes to play the rat searching game and can fit through an 18″ wide by bale-height tall tunnel. Barn Hunt has titles, levels of increasing difficulty, and championships. Barn Hunt is an independent sport, but titles are recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).  The Barn Hunt Website


Dock Diving is a fun, exciting but easy to do sport with simple rules: You throw a toy into a pool while your dog runs down a dock about 40 feet long. He flings himself off the end of it, lands in the water and grabs the toy. The goal? To have the longest jump possible. North American Diving Dogs


Coursing is originally a sport for sight hounds. In the last few years, it has expanded to include the Coursing Ability Tests which are suitable for a fit Kuvasz.  Coursing Ability Test Site


Whether destined for the show ring, the obedience/rally ring, therapy work, or the couch, all dogs benefit from a basic obedience class. Foundations started in Puppy K are expanded, and dogs begin to generalize commands beyond the training room. Basic obedience includes hints for navigating the real world, from walking on leash to sit and stay amid distractions. Recall is an important aspect of a basic obedience class; it could save your dog’s life. There is less off leash play, but socialization continues. Many classes include the Canine Good Citizen programs


Rally is a game of numbered directional signs providing twists and turns taking teams through a variety of obedience exercises. Judges design courses from novice to master levels. The courses vary from show to show, making training and trialing competitive. AKC Rally Resources


Dogs are born to use their noses! Scent games have low risk for injury, so they are great for puppies, seniors and recovering. Hide treats, toys and even yourself. Start simple and slowly make it more difficult. To compete, there are venues and instructors around the country. Competitions search for essential oils. Your job is to stay out of your dog’s way. Look for that moment when your dog says “I found it. This moment will change your relationship with your dog forever, for the better. Getting Started in Scent Work


For anyone interested in doing therapy work with their Kuvasz, a good training base will be required. Because of their size, Kuvasz must be under control and responsive to calm commands. A heavy paw swat or a boisterous greeting could easily injure an invalid patient or someone in delicate health. There are a number of organizations that certify dogs for therapy work, where you can find information on how to prepare your dog for certification. Therapy dogs are trained to provide affection and support to humans. They visit hospitals, assisted living homes, courtrooms, counseling offices, schools, airports, and other facilities where they offer comfort and relieve stress.


Tracking events are the competition form of canine search and rescue. They provide training for dogs and handlers to find lost items, humans or other animals. It demonstrates the high level of scent capability that dogs possess. Bonding, working as a team, and confidence building are a few good reasons to track. A skilled dog tracking team is wonderful to watch. And so much fun for both the dog and the handler! Beginners Guide (AKC)


Everyone likes to teach their dog tricks. From the simple “sit” to more complex “put your toys away”, each gives a feeling of accomplishment while having fun together. The AKC now awards titles for teams that can show their trick accomplishments.
AKC Trick Dog Information